Our Brighter Futures Programs are conducting a satisfaction survey.
This has been a difficult year for all of us and we want to ensure quality programming for you and your family. We have been adapting our service delivery, to include Zoom groups and Facebook tutorials/crafts as well as curbside packages for you to do at home, as a way to meet you as participants where you are. Think about your experiences with our programming since April 2020 when completing the survey.
This year we will be using the Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP) e-Valuation system to survey, you, our participants. The national e-Valuation system was developed by FRP Canada in response to requests from its members for practical, meaningful and appropriate evaluation tools. In addition to assessing participants' satisfaction, this survey assesses outcomes, such as improvements in parenting skills. We want to use this survey as an opportunity to measure quality and to make sure we are doing enough and in a manner that is beneficial to you and your family’s growth and development.
The survey should not take more than 15 minutes to complete and is completely confidential. The survey is available in French or English.
You can participate in the survey online from September 13 to October 1, 2021 (see links below).Â
Your participation is completely voluntary but please know that your input is valuable and important to us in providing the best programming we can. All your responses are kept completely confidential at FRP E-valuation.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 705-360-7100 or see the Centre's staff for further instructions.
Thank you so much for your time.