Join us in celebrating National Child Day!
National Child Day is celebrated each year on November 20th across Canada. This signature event marks Canada’s signing of the United Nations (UN) Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Most importantly, it is a day to remember children need support, encouragement and respect to help them reach their full potential. We each have an important role to play in the well-being and safety of children and youth whether you are a parent, a teacher, a social worker, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or community helper.
Throughout the year, we encourage families to learn about children’s rights and to advocate for their children. Many children face poverty, bullying, discrimination, poor mental health outcomes and abuse. The early learning and youth programs within NEOFACS promote healthy living skills, budgeting skills, positive parenting, parent involvement, healthy childhood development, and mental health services. Through these services, we work towards the vision of strong, healthy and safe communities where children, youth and families can thrive.
This year's theme is a child's right to an identity. This involves young people developing a positive sense of who they are and feeling they are valued and respected as part of a family and community.
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