The Government of Ontario is working to strengthen the child welfare and protection system to reduce barriers and build a system that is better coordinated and focused on prevention. Services need to be high-quality, culturally appropriate, sustainable and truly responsive to the needs of children and youth.

As part of this work, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is asking for input and advice from those who have lived experience or involvement with the child welfare system and residential services through an online survey. The survey has been developed to understand the perspectives of the following groups:

  • Youth or former youth who are receiving or have received services from a children’s aid society or have received residential care;
  • Parents, family members or caregivers who have had involvement with a children’s aid society or with licensed child and youth residential services; and
  • Employees of children’s aid societies, licensed residential settings and other community-based service providers.

The survey is anonymous and will take 20 minutes to complete. It can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

The survey will be available until September 30, 2019, and is available in both English and French.

Should you have any questions regarding the survey, the child welfare modernization engagement efforts, or wish to receive a paper copy of the survey by mail, please contact

Thank you for your time and assistance.