Questions? Concerned about a child at risk?
Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-705-360-7100 or Toll-Free at 1-866-229-5437/KIDS or 1-800-665-7743.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1, a crisis helpline like 9-8-8, or visit your nearest hospital Emergency Department.
General Inquiries
For general questions or comments, you can reach North Eastern Ontario Family and Children's Services (NEOFACS) by email at
If your email message is concerning the safety of a child or youth, please call 705-360-7100 immediately. This email address is not monitored for child safety concerns.
Office Hours
Our offices are open Monday to Friday, except for statutory holidays and unless other times are posted.
Regular Hours of Operation:
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours (June 1 – August 31):
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Crisis support is available nights, weekends and holidays.

Office Locations
Agency-Wide Toll-Free Numbers: 1-866-229-5437/KIDS or 1-800-665-7743
Cochrane 451 Chalmers Avenue, P.O. Box 1450 Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0 Phone: 705-272-2449 Fax: 705-272-3491 |
Englehart 40 Third Street, P.O. Box 607 Englehart, ON P0J 1H0 Phone: 705-544-5437 Fax: 705-544-2555 |
Hearst 909 George Street, P.O. Box 1630 Hearst, ON P0L 1N0 Phone: 705-372-2445 Fax: 705-362-7687 |
Iroquois Falls 457 Zealand Avenue Iroquois Falls, ON P0K 1G0 Phone: 705-232-7000 Fax: 705-232-6089 |
Kapuskasing (District Office) 29 Kolb Avenue Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1G2 Phone: 705-335-2445 Fax: 705-335-4391 |
Kirkland Lake (District Office) 6 Tweedsmuir Road Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1H9 Phone: 705-567-9201 Fax: 705-568-8787 |
New Liskeard 25 Paget Street, P.O. Box 68 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-647-1200 Fax: 705-647-7467 |
Smooth Rock Falls 50 Third Street Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0 Phone: 705-338-2366 Fax: 705-338-4511 |
Timmins (Head Office) 707 Ross Avenue East Timmins, ON P4N 8R1 Phone: 705-360-7100 Fax: 705-360-7200 |
F.W. Schumacher
Live-In Treatment Services 68 Aura Lake Street Schumacher, ON P0N 1G0 Phone: 705-360-7230 Fax: 705-264-5888 |
FWS Intensive Services 68 Aura Lake Street Schumacher, ON P0N 1G0 Phone: 705-360-7231 Fax: 705-264-5888 |
Transition Home Program
Whitewood - New Liskeard 157 Whitewood Avenue, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 |
Wilcox - Timmins 457 Wilcox Street Timmins, ON P4N 3M1 |
Non-Residential Attendance Centres (NRAC)
Direct Program Phone Number: 705-360-2113 or 1-844-460-2113 (Toll-Free)
Cochrane 451 Chalmers Avenue, P.O. Box 1283 Cochrane, ON P0L 1CO Phone: 705-272-5059 Fax: 705-272-5759 |
Hearst 1121 Front Street (basement) Hearst, ON P5N 1R1 Phone: 705-362-4577 Fax: 705-362-5075 |
Kapuskasing 29 Kolb Avenue Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1G2 Phone: 705-335-2040 Fax: 705-335-2309 |
Kirkland Lake 6 Tweedsmuir Road Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1H9 Phone: 705-567-2796 Fax: 705-568-8787 |
New Liskeard 25 Paget Street, P.O. Box 68 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-647-1201 Fax: 705-647-7467 |
Timmins (Wilcox) 20 Wilcox Street Timmins, ON P4N 3K6 Phone: 705-267-2499 Fax: 705-267-3089 |
Supervised Access Program Centres
Direct Program Phone Number: 705-360-2112 or 1-888-360-2112 (Toll-Free)
Please direct all inquiries/referrals to the Supervised Access Program Coordinator by selecting option 2 when dialling the above phone number.
Documents can be faxed to 1-705-360-7200.
Englehart 40 Third Street, P.O. Box 607 Englehart, ON P0J 1H0 Phone: 705-544-2026 |
Iroquois Falls 457 Zealand Avenue Iroquois Falls, ON P0K 1G0 Phone: 705-232-2473 |
Kapuskasing 29 Kolb Avenue Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1G2 Phone: 705-335-2305 |
Kirkland Lake 6 Tweedsmuir Road Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1H9 Phone: 705-568-5437 |
New Liskeard 25 Paget Street, P.O. Box 68 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Phone: 705-647-5437 |
North Cobalt 379 Lakeview Avenue, P.O. Box 130 North Cobalt, ON P0J 1R0 Phone: 705-672-3334 |
Timmins (Wilcox) 457 Wilcox Street Timmins, ON P4N 3M1 Phone: 705-360-1985 |
*If you call after hours, please leave a detailed message with your name and contact information.
Brighter Futures
Direct Program Phone Number: 705-360-2110 or 1-866-360-2110 (Toll-Free)
Cochrane 451 Chalmers Avenue, P.O. Box 1450 Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0 Phone: 705-232-5161 Fax: 705-272-3491 |
Englehart 40 Third Street, P.O. Box 607 Englehart, ON P0J 1H0 Phone: 705-544-2778 Fax: 705-544-2555 |
Hearst 1100 Edward Street, P.O. Box 5000 Hearst, ON P0L 1N0 Phone: 705-362-4788 Fax: 705-362-7687 |
Iroquois Falls 239 Church Street Iroquois Falls, ON P0K 1G0 Phone: 705-232-5366 Fax: 705-232-6777 |
Kapuskasing 29 Kolb Avenue Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1G2 Phone: 705-335-2148 Fax: 705-335-6337 |
Kirkland Lake 6 Tweedsmuir Road Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 1H9 Phone: 705-567-5926 Fax: 705-335-6337 |
Matheson 422 4th Avenue, P.O. Box 640, Matheson, ON P0K 1N0 Phone: 705-273-2131 Fax: 705-360-7222 |
North Cobalt 379 Lakeview Avenue, P.O. Box 130 North Cobalt, ON P0J 1R0 Phone: 705-672-3333 Fax: 705-672-3335 |
Smooth Rock Falls 50 Third Street Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0 Phone: 705-335-2442 Fax: 705-338-4511 |
Timmins 707 Ross Avenue East Timmins, ON P4N 8R1 Phone: 705-360-2119 Fax: 705-360-7222 |
EarlyON Child and Family Centres
Direct Program Phone Number: 705-360-2111 or 1-855-360-2111 (Toll-Free)
Kapuskasing 29 Kolb Avenue Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1G2 Phone: 705-335-6331 Fax: 705-335-6337 |
Smooth Rock Falls 50 Third Street Smooth Rock Falls, ON P0L 2B0 Phone: 705-338-2800 Fax: 705-338-4511 |
Timmins 707 Ross Avenue East Timmins, ON P4N 8R1 Phone: 705-360-7107 Fax: 705-360-7222 |