Child & Youth Mental Health
North Eastern Ontario Family and Children's Services (NEOFACS) offers a number of programs and services for children and youth from 0-18 years of age as well as for parents/legal guardians and families experiencing mental health needs, crisis situations or family breakdown. Specifically, resources such as clinical intervention, crisis support or specialized assessment and consultation are offered.
A collaborative intake assessment helps to inform and direct treatment options. The length and types of services offered depend on the nature of the presenting issues and the client's needs and preferences. Services may be offered at the office, at school, in the home or at any other mutually agreed upon location based on client needs. A treatment plan can also be developed with parents/legal guardians if the child/youth chooses not to be directly involved in services.
Services may include:
- Autism Enhanced Respite Funding
- Counselling & Therapy Services
- Crisis Services
- Intensive Service Coordination
- Intensive Services (In-Home & Out-Of-Home Services)
- Specialized Assessment and Consultation Services
Child and Youth Mental Health referrals are accepted from children/youth/parents/legal guardians seeking service as well as from physicians, school personnel and other members of the community.
Consent is required and will be obtained directly from clients if they are capable of giving consent; otherwise, consent will be obtained from a substitute decision maker (i.e. parent/caregiver) who represents the client. Being capable to consent means that the child/youth is able to understand the information that is relevant to deciding to consent and able to appreciate the reasonable and foreseeable consequences of giving, withholding or withdrawing consent.
Capable children/youth of any age may self-refer without parental knowledge or consent, however, the child/youth will be encouraged to involve their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) in service as soon as possible as family involvement supports positive outcomes.
A treatment plan can also be developed with parents/legal guardians if the child/youth chooses not to be involved in services.
Pathway to Care for Child and Youth Mental Health Services
The Pathway to Care for Child and Youth Mental Health Services provides a roadmap for making referrals to mental health services with NEOFACS.
The youth-friendly version of the Pathway to Care was developed with youth from our regional The New Mentality groups. It is a bright and engaging summarized version that communicates the heart of the message in a way that children and youth can relate to.
Lead Agency for Child & Youth Mental Health
Moving on Mental Health (MOMH) is an important part of Ontario's Mental Health and Addictions Strategy. The initiative is designed to ensure children, youth and families across Ontario can access mental health services in their communities that are consistent, accessible and responsive and meet their needs for the right service, at the right time, in the right place.
NEOFACS is the lead Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) agency for the districts of Cochrane and Timiskaming.
Resources & Support
We have put together a list of various resources and supports to assist children, youth and families with their mental health and well-being.
One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant
One Stop Talk offers children, youth (within 18 years of age) and their families immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional service when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario.
Self Help Resources
Two online mental health supports are available and are free for people living in Ontario. We strongly encourage you to access them while you are waiting for services.
- Bounce Back – BounceBack is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage symptoms of depression and anxiety, combat unhelpful thinking, and become more active and assertive.
- Togetherall – Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing. It offers help to get through dealing with everyday stressors or major life events.