Adult handing a red ball to child.

Curious about Becoming a Foster Caregiver?

Join us for an information session and discover how YOU can make a difference in the lives of children, youth, and families in our community!

Stay tuned for upcoming dates!

Foster Care Services

Foster Care Services are provided to children and youth where the Agency has care of the child/youth and who are in need of a “place of safety.”

Foster caregivers fulfill all parental roles for a foster child and as such provide food, clothing, nurturing and healthy and safe environments for children to grow and develop to their full potential. Foster caregivers also accompany children to medical and dental appointments. Foster caregivers ensure attendance at school and provide support and guidance with the children’s education and homework completion. They recognize and encourage the development of individual talents and strive to meet the emotional needs of the child, making them feel valued and cared for as a part of the foster family.

Contributing to the child’s positive identity, foster caregivers promote a strong sense of purpose and self-esteem. They support the child’s religious beliefs and cultural values. Foster caregivers understand that the child’s primary family is a very important part of the child’s life, even though he or she may not be residing with them.

For individuals and couples who are applying to foster a child/youth a home safety inspection is completed. If the home safety inspection is positive they are invited to attend a mandatory pre-service training called Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education (P.R.I.D.E.). This is a 27-hour commitment offered over a 9-week period. P.R.I.D.E. will serve to inform and educate foster applicants about the role and expectations of fostering a child/youth. A home study will also be completed following a Structured Analysis Family Assessment (S.A.F.E.) format. There is also a requirement to complete First Aid and CPR training (including infant and child CPR) and Trauma Informed Care training.

Once approved, the prospective foster family will be supported through the selection, and placement process. Upon placement of a child into the approved home, remuneration is provided by the Agency to the foster family.

The PRIDE program is facilitated by trained staff and foster caregivers.

Each foster family is assigned a foster care worker who provides ongoing support to the foster family. This foster care worker also works collaboratively with the worker assigned to support the foster child placed in the home.

Cluster Groups are offered to approved foster families as a method of group support. Regular, ongoing training opportunities are an integral part of the program encouraging foster caregivers to develop their expertise and knowledge in various areas. Approved foster caregivers of the Agency will have membership with the LOFF (League of Foster Families) Association.

Foster Families Needed

We need families from diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions, and orientations – all walks of life. Foster families are needed for children and youth of all ages, with a special need for baby and teen foster homes.

For more information, to speak with a worker or to make an application to foster: