September 30, 2022 marks the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day.
Today, we wear orange to remember the thousands of children who were taken to residential schools and never returned home, and to honour the Survivors, their families and communities.
Truth and Reconciliation begins within ourselves and requires an openness to learn. As with many things, we need to know where we come from in order to know where we are going.
This year, we held a virtual learning event for our staff to help advance our understanding of the history of residential schools and explore ways that we can individually and collectively contribute towards Truth and Reconciliation. Some of our staff are participating in community walks and events throughout our communities to continue their learning and reflect on the ways in which Canada’s history has impacted the current day.
As an integrated Agency that provides child welfare services, we acknowledge the importance of our collective efforts toward reconciliation and are especially mindful that we must continue to address the calls to action concerning Child Welfare. Read the full TRC report.